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What is the impact of makeup remover on the skin? Does it cause acne or other skin problems?


卸妆液对皮肤有什么影响?它会导致粉刺或其他皮肤问题吗? 1.堵塞毛孔:卸妆液中的某些成分可能会残留在皮肤表面,形成堵塞毛孔的物质,导致粉刺、黑头等问题。 2.过度清洁:有些人在使用卸妆油时可能过度清洁,使用太多的卸妆油或是搓揉过度,导致皮肤过度刺激,甚至损伤皮肤表面的天然保护屏障。 3.皮肤敏感:一些人可能对卸妆油的成分敏感,导致皮肤发炎和刺激等问题。 4.皮肤干燥:有些卸妆油的成分可能会去除皮肤表面的天然油脂,进而导致皮肤干燥和脱屑。 5.皮肤老化:某些卸妆油中可能含有防腐剂等化学物质,这些物

What are the potential long-term side effects of using skincare products containing antibiotics or steroids?

What are the potential long-term side effects of using skincare products containing antibiotics or steroids?


长期使用抗生素类固醇的保养品,会有什么后遗症? What are the potential long-term side effects of using skincare products containing antibiotics or steroids? 长期使用含有抗生素和类固醇的保养品可能会导致多种后遗症,具体取决于使用的时间、使用的种类和浓度等因素。 Long-term use of skin care products containing antibiotics and st

Is it normal to have soap scum?

Is it normal to have soap scum?


有皂垢是正常的吗? Is it normal to have soap scum? 绝大多数洁面产品中,都含有皂基(皂类界面活性剂)。当遇到自来水中的钙、镁金属离子时容易产生皂垢,常以为洗干净了的涩涩的 "清爽感" ,其实是手、水和皂垢摩擦产生的一种错觉。所以,洗干净的纯净皮肤,怎么可能摸起来涩涩的。软水滑滑的,是不会有皂垢残留的,洗时滑溜溜,洗后皮肤水嫩嫩、滑顺。这与用含化学清洁产品洗完后的滑腻感、膜感,无法相提并论。其实,皂垢就是肌肤的隐形杀手,如果是使用化学合成洗剂、洗发精、洗面乳、沐浴乳

The benefits of handmade soap for skin diseases.

The benefits of handmade soap for skin diseases.


手工皂对皮肤病的帮助 The benefits of handmade soap for skin di seases. 皮肤病是一种常见的健康问题,而异位性皮肤炎和湿疹是其中最常见的类型之一。这些疾病导致皮肤干燥、瘙痒、红肿和有时还会引起皮肤发炎等问题。许多人试图通过使用各种不同的皮肤护理产品来改善症状,但往往会发现使用商业产品时反而会加剧问题。相对而言,使用天然的手工皂则可能对改善皮肤病症状有所帮助。 Skin diseases are a common health problem, wi

The benefits of handmade soap for skin diseases.


手工皂对皮肤病的帮助 The benefits of handmade soap for skin diseases. 皮肤病是一种常见的健康问题,而异位性皮肤炎和湿疹是其中最常见的类型之一。这些疾病导致皮肤干燥、瘙痒、红肿和有时还会引起皮肤发炎等问题。许多人试图通过使用各种不同的皮肤护理产品来改善症状,但往往会发现使用商业产品时反而会加剧问题。相对而言,使用天然的手工皂则可能对改善皮肤病症状有所帮助。 Skin diseases are a common health problem, wit

Amazing find! Handmade soap actually has an effect on hives, and it ignited a wild rumor on the Internet!


惊人发现!手工皂竟然对寻麻疹有功效,引爆网路疯传! Amazing find! Handmade soap actually has an effect on hives, and it ignited a wild rumor on the Internet! 寻麻疹是一种常见的皮肤疾病,常常让患者感到痛苦和尴尬。许多人使用处方药或化学洗剂来治疗寻麻疹,但最近的一项研究表明,手工皂可能是一种更自然,更有效的治疗方法。 Hives is a common skin disorder that i

Amazing find! Handmade soap actually has an effect on hives, and it ignited a wild rumor on the Internet!

Amazing find! Handmade soap actually has an effect on hives, and it ignited a wild rumor on the Internet!


惊人发现!手工皂竟然对寻麻疹有功效,引爆网路疯传! Amazing find! Handmade soap actually has an effect on hives, and it ignited a wild rumor on the Internet! 寻麻疹是一种常见的皮肤疾病,常常让患者感到痛苦和尴尬。许多人使用处方药或化学洗剂来治疗寻麻疹,但最近的一项研究表明,手工皂可能是一种更自然,更有效的治疗方法。 Hives is a common skin disorder that i

Benefits of Handmade Soap for Atopic Dermatitis, Eczema: Relieves Symptoms, Improves Skin Moisture, Reduces Use of Harsh Chemicals, Provides Natural Moisturization

Benefits of Handmade Soap for Atopic Dermatitis, Eczema: Relieves Symptoms, Improves Skin Moisture, Reduces Use of Harsh Chemicals, Provides Natural Moisturization


手工皂对异位性皮肤炎、湿疹的功效:减轻症状、改善皮肤水分、减少刺激性化学物质使用、提供天然保湿 Benefits of Handmade Soap for Atopic Dermatitis, Eczema: Relieves Symptoms, Improves Skin Moisture, Reduces Use of Harsh Chemicals, Provides Natural Moisturization 异位性皮肤炎是一种常见的皮肤疾病,它会导致皮肤变得干燥、瘙痒和红肿。许多人试

What is the  drying time for handmade soap?

What is the drying time for handmade soap?


手工皂晾皂时间要多久? What is the drying time for handmade soap? 晾皂至少需要一个半月到两个月! It takes at least one and a half to two months to cure the soap. 晾皂的时间会因不同的制作方法、配方和环境条件而有所不同。一般来说,从制造日期到出厂日期,需要至少一个半月到两个月的时间来让皂块充分硬化和成熟,确保其品质和稳定性。在这个过程中,皂块会逐渐失去水分,减少体积,变得更加坚实和稳定。

Why does the beauty essence Liquid soap freeze?

Why does the beauty essence Liquid soap freeze?


玉容精華皂液全結凍? Why does the beauty essence Liquid soap freeze? 此結凍現象,秋冬季節才產生!它所呈現的乳白結凍現象是因為其中含有椰子油、乳油木果脂,其冬天或溫度低時,會呈現乳白結凍現象,它是正常的!因為是椰子油,乳油木果脂本身的特質!並不是產生酸敗現象!因為沒有油耗味,若有則是反常的!不用擔心!可放心地使用! This phenomenon of freezing only occurs in autumn and winter! The m